2. Frame Photography - My vision for this project is to use repetition between images. I want to take picture of people with a frame in different environments. I could also use this project to fulfill proximity, because the frame will be a lot closer to the camera, then what it is framing.

3. Spray Paint - I've always had a liking for street art, especially spray paint graffiti. Obviously I can't graffiti a wall around Lubbock, so instead I would like to purchase poster board, wood, or some other non-pourus material and use spray paint to create a design. I think so much of what we do in design today is through a computer, and I want to be able to do a project that is not. I also think that what is really interesting about spray paint art is the layers, and how you can use different elements that you might find around your house to help create image in your design.

4. Magazine Ad - It hink creating a magazine ad using photoshop. I have yet to decide on what company I'll create this for. The last two projects I have on here are up in the air, because I cannot decide if I want to do this or switch it for what I mention as other options under 5. I could also use some of these concepts below, like the negative space, to put into a magazine ad, or the CD cover. If I do the magazine ad however, I think I would like to try an make it extremely simple. I think I need more practice in making a simple design. I recently created my mom a logo for her company. I think logo's are extremely hard, because of their simplicity. Here's an example a of a simple magazine ad.
5. CD Cover - I think I would like to make a CD cover as I said before. Maybe I could use contrast, or proximity in my design. I think I could also use photoshop for this one, although I might use Illustrator as well. If I don't do a CD cover other ideas to fulfill this last project would be a t-shirt design, photography project on perspectives, negative space project, or a type project.

6. I'm sticking a number six on here, even though I'll obviously be choosing five concepts. Better to have to much than not enough. I think my hardest project will be a wine bottle design. I'll need to think a bit more about this to design it. Maybe I'll talk to a winery in Lubbock.
As we discussed after class last week, it's possible to include aesthetic designs here using the principles that Williams discusses. What are her 4 principles, and how might they relate to each of your re/designs, Tarryn? Certainly that's the case with your personal logo; if you're going to use that design it needs to be a redesign. Can some of the designs, like your #6, be used in other ways too? As a CD Cover, but what else? I think you have strong ideas here. Think about purpose and audience in each case.
If I'm just putting my personal logo onto my resume, when redesigning my resume, is it ok not to redesign the logo? I would like to keep my logo so that everything matching (my website, my resume, and business cards if I make them).
I think I'm going to rewrite my ideas as well because I've rethought of a few where I can make them more information design than just design.
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