Monday, January 24, 2011

Design Rethink

1. The first one as I mentioned in my previous blog will be redesigning my resume in InDesign. Nothing about that one has particularly changed. The audience will be advertising/ marketing and design agencies.

2. I think I'm going to make a logo or redesign the Outdoor Pursuits Center logo if they have one (which I cannot find), so that I can use it in my #3 ad campaign. The audience for this would be the Texas Tech student body.

3. This one will be involving photography, but instead turning it into an ad campaign. I will take photos of a door in the wilderness, then choose one. Then I will take that photo and on the bottom of it right something like "Mother nature is calling", where the nature part is a different color. Or "Come home to Momma." This will be an advertisement for the outdoor pursuits center. I will stick their logo that I've created on the bottom of the ad as well. The audience will be Tech students. I think this will also get attention of people who would not usually look at an outdoor ad because of the contrast of the ad.

4. I've kind of combined two that I previously had in this one. I will be doing the CD cover, but in order to create it, I will be doing the spray paint art and then scanning it. Then I'll overlay some other image, or photoshop it differently.

5. This is another Ad campaign, and will most likely be interchangeable with one of my other projects if it does not work. It will be an ad campaign for Teddy Grams. There will be two photos. The first one will have two Teddy Grams sitting on the edge of a cup of milk. The second photograph will have one Teddy Gram in the cup of milk and the other on the edge. At the bottom it'll read. Friend Fornever. I think this ad would be geared toward pre teen girls, because they are in the in between stage of child hood (the Teddy Grams) and their teen years (the type of story line).

6. This one will be the wine bottle labels which I talked about in class. I need to talk to a winery first before I know my audience. If no winery will help, I'll be making up my own audience.

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