Sunday, January 16, 2011

Projects for class

After looking at a few portfolios online for graphic design, or communication design, I’ve come up with a few ideas, or projects that we could do in class. I think it would be cool if we design a CD cover. Maybe we could even make mix CD’s with songs on them, and print out our designs for the covers.

Another idea involving design would be for us to make t-shirt designs. We could even do it where you just get a plain white t-shirt and a black sharpie, and you have to draw a design onto it and turn it in, or take a picture of it to turn in.

For one of our last projects we could have a company, or a few different companies come in and describe something they need. Then everyone could go about creating it in his or her own way. Then the company could pick one of the designs and actually use it.

Another project that would be neat would using negative space. If you’ve ever read, David uses irony to hide Missy in the negative space, because she is missing. These logos are also extremely clever.


Kristen Roberts said...

The CD cover idea is awesome! The good thing about the rest of your ideas is that they would require so much creativity. These would be more like "fun" things to do and would require more actual design elements than a typical 500 word assignment.
To answer your question- I really loved the Styles in Technical Writing class taught by Dr. Eaton. I learned more valuable skills in that class than many of my other previous classes combined.

Tarryn said...

I know. I want the class to be more about design than anything. I don't really want to write 500 word assignments in a design class. I'm a mass communications student and we write a lot, which I like doing. However, I feel like I've gotten so much experience writing, and I want more design experience now.

What did you do in his class?

chn2011 said...

Tarryn, Tarryn, Tarryn...what can I say? Ummm, what about this, I like your last two ideas the most!

The company one is a neat idea. Add some competitive reasons to do an assignment seems to get us students more involved since there is a possibility of a company actually using your design. Resume booster fo sho!

The negative space one is cool as well. I have read that before and found it hilarious.

T-shirt design = A no go for me, but I do like the out of the box thinking style that you seem to possess.

Tech Comm class ideas: Issues in comp with A. Booher. Writing is involved, but the assignments include cut-up's, audio mixing, and video editing. Out of all the Tech Comms that i have taken, that one seemed to by more like a Mass Comm class.

Adios Chica

Rich said...

Blog works. Nice job, Tarryn. A CD cover is an excellent example. We have some tools in the MuLL that might help with that. T-Shirts, too, seem logical. Looking forward to seeing your examples for your next blog post.

Tiffany said...

I don't know how practical it would be to get a company to come in to our class, but I do think that it is a great idea. Even if they did not actually use what we come up with, your idea is one that is very realistic to what some students may be required to do in their future. The employee whose design the company selects is more likely the one who will get the promotion.
Also, I looked at some of your older posts and noticed you had come up with a logo for your photography but weren't sure if you would keep it. Maybe re-designing your logo could be one of your projects, and would definitely benefit you.

Tarryn said...

The redesigning my logo idea is a great one, but I've actually just started using the header of my website that I created as my logo. You can go to to check it out if you were curious. I think that I like the way I've written Tarryn Lambert there a lot better than before.

I might see though toward the end of the semester if I do try to redesign the logo.

What are you thinking for your projects?